How the theatre world is facing up to the toughest of challenges

Dec 21, 2020
By: stagedoorscribbler

As the pandemic appears to tighten its grip our brutally challenged theatres face another desperate challenge.
With London and great swathes of the rest of our beleaguered country more or less locked down under Tier 4 restrictions the lights are once more going out.
Just as the roll out of an apparently workable vaccine raised our hopes we have found ourselves facing yet another blow and we are reduced to salvaging remnants of shattered festive cheer.
With so much uncertainty it is not easy to try and look forward to a 2021 that may be slightly less difficult than 2020, but try we must.
As I have said many times over the past few months, the arts world is full of creative people who can and will be able to think outside the proverbial box.
If there is a way through this nightmare they will find it. Despite all that has been thrown at us over recent months there may even be some exciting new innovations on the horizon so let’s look forward to not just a new normal but a bright future,