Join Bob Flowerdew at The Fisher Theatre for an evening of conversation and entertainment! Saturday 23rd April 2022 at 7.30PM

Apr 18, 2022
Bob Flowerdew

Presented in association with Clive Conway Productions, join one of Britain’s leading organic gardeners, at The Fisher Theatre in Bungay.

Bob Flowerdew is the son of a farmer and his family has been working the land in East Anglia since before the time of the Tudors. He has three dozen books published in a dozen languages and is one of the few gardening authors to make the front page of the New York Times.

After graduating in financial management, he worked his way around Europe and North America, becoming fascinated by the different gardening and farming methods, returning to pick grapes with one French family for 12 successive years.

Flowerdew runs a consultancy landscape service, is president of the Norfolk group of the Soil Association and also teaches at an agricultural college. He has worked in television, presenting the Channel 4 series Muck and Magic, and appeared on Sophie Grigson's Grow Your Own Greens, on which he was the sweetcorn expert.

Bob has been a panelist on BBC Radio 4’s Gardeners’ Question Time for more than two and a half decades, and will discuss how you can help wildlife in your own back garden. So join us for a fantastic evening of Bob’s characteristically idiosyncratic and iconoclastic chat, anecdote, verse, and song.

Details and Booking

Venue: The Fisher Theatre - Bungay

Date: Saturday 23 April 2022

Time 7:30 PM

Booking link: