Peter Snow and Ann MacMillan: The story of civilization in 50 documents

Aug 31, 2020
By: stagedoorscribbler

It’s been fun reading and hearing about our friend and sometime Clive Conway Productions contributor, Peter Snow, promoting the new book he has penned with his wife Ann MacMillan. Treasures of World History: The Story Of Civilization in 50 Documents.
It finds these two veteran journalists, broadcasters and historians examining world history through what they consider to be 50 absolute key documents.
Both of course are hugely experienced in the study and analysis of political, social, cultural and military history, and of course today's current affairs -  the perfect guides to appreciating the significance of each document. It shines a light on papers researched from the collections of national archives, museums, libraries, and private collections around the world.
With chapters devoted to each of the 50 documents across covering the political, military, artistic, and scientific spheres, they explain their criteria for selection and take the reader on a journey that from  the earliest civilizations to landmark speeches and the significant papers of today.
The book follows an earlier tome that Peter wrote with his and Ann’s son, the celebrated and popular TV historian Dan Snow, another CCP contributor who, alongside Peter, has delivered both father and son and solo presentations for our programme of talks and events.
That volume, Peter & Dan Snow's Treasures of British History, was originally published in 2016 and covered documents that covered everything from the Magna Carta to Tim Berners Lee's memo for a world wide web.Meanwhile Treasures of World History: The Story Of Civilization in 50 Documents by Peter Snow and Ann MacMillan is available from all good book stores, both physical and online. And, like the dutiful son he obviously is, Dan Snow has written the foreword.