The 12th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture takes place on Friday 7th October 2022

Sep 26, 2022
Iconic PR
The Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation

The 12th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture will take place on Friday 7th October 2022 at Cape Town City Hall and will also be live-streamed for global audiences.

We are inspired daily by the Arch's courageous action, which was rooted in a deep and powerful sense of hope. We can only heal and reimagine our societies, if we become, as he called himself, prisoners of hope. That is why the theme for the 12th Annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture is: A Vision for Hope and Healing.

At the lecture you will hear from global thought-leaders about their vision for hope and healing in a time of global crisis. But we also want to spark a larger conversation about what gives each of us the hope to keep making change wherever we are!

We must continue to heal a world filled with division, discrimination and injustice." - Deputy Secretary-General Amina J Mohammed

Ms Mohammed is credited as being one of the key architects of the Sustainable Development Goals, setting an agenda for how we can develop flourishing societies and planet. She is a globally recognised leader in action to prevent climate change, having served as the Minister of Environment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Powerful leadership examples like Deputy Secretary-General Mohammed, represents the need for a new type of development that meets the challenges of our times,
and affirms the value and dignity of all human beings.

"What hope allows us to do is to realise that – even in the suffering, even in the pain, even in the challenge that is life – there is incredible possibility." - Doug Abrams

Abrams is best-known for his collaborative work with Archbishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama to co-author The Book of Joy. He has worked with other Nobel Laureates including Nelson Mandela, Jody Williams, and Elizabeth Blackburn, as well as many visionary scientists. His latest collaboration was the Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times with Jane Goodall, published in 2021. Doug will look to explore how to cultivate hope in trying times.