Trying to get performing arts back on track post pandemic and Brexit

Feb 1, 2021
By: stagedoorscribbler

The struggle to keep the world of performing arts firing on all cylinders continues. With theatres closed and the future looking bleak for many venues, the livelihoods of actors, musicians, dancers, technicians and theatre support staff is under threat like never before.
The pandemic has dealt a deadly blow from which recovery looks far from certain. Despite financial support from the government many self-employed performers and technicians have received nothing. Putting it another way there are a giddying number of stars of the future working as supermarket shelf stackers right now with no guarantee that they will ever be able to go back to the theatre. But it’s not all Coronavirus. There are very real threats from the fall-out from Brexit as well. Which is why the petition urging the government to renegotiate a Europe-wide, visa-free work permit for touring professionals and artists is so vitally important. With hundreds of thousands of signatures so far, it asks the UK Governement “to negotiate a free cultural work permit that gives us visa free travel throughout the 27 EU states for music touring professionals, bands, musicians, artists, TV and sports celebrities that tour the EU to perform shows and events & Carnet exception for touring equipment.” On 14th January the Government responded simply saying: “During our negotiations, we proposed measures to allow creative professionals to travel and perform in both the UK and EU, without needing work-permits. Unfortunately, the EU rejected these proposals.”
The matter is now due to be debated by Parliament a week today on 8th February. It can be watched online at UK Parliament YouTube channel.