Zoom Event to commemorate Archbishop Desmond Tutu will take place on Sunday 30th January at 4 PM (UK Time)

Jan 24, 2022
Iconic PR
Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Photograph by Hattie Miles

A Zoom event in commemoration of Archbishop Desmond Tutu will be taking place at the end of this month designed to remember the Arch, and also to challenge us about living his legacy, and of life and teaching. The event will be based around the volume produced in honour of his 90th birthday - Ecumenical Encounters with Desmond Mpilo Tutu: Visions for Justice, Dignity, and Peace. 

Speakers in attendance are Lord Boateng, a Vice Patron of the Tutu Foundation UK, Professor Linda Woodhead of King’s College London, as well as editors and contributors of the volume including, Prof Sarojini Nadar, Edwin Arrison, Rudolf Hinz, Brian Brown, David Haslam, and Dr. Roger Williamson. 

To join the Zoom meeting on Sunday 30th January at 4 PM (UK Time), please use this Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89870133299?pwd=ZWROS0RST0RzYllXcjNWVE5HWUVydz09 

Should you wish to make a donation to support the Tutu Foundation Uk’s work, please click here